Virtual Round Table Web Conference

Technology for Teaching English Literature

I am using several web 2.0 componants for teaching English Language, now i am trying some of them for teaching Literature. Can this forum suggest me a few more innovative ways to use technology for teaching literature?

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Which web 2.0 sites are you using for teaching the English language?

I'll give it a thought and think about the literature aspect, but don't want to suggest something that you already use.
Hi, thanks for your reply.
I want to know some useful ways using technology to teach english literature, yes Literature not language. I know several websites, journals (paid and free) ... i want something where students can creatively learn literature with the help of web resources. I am trying with wikieducator ( At the bottom of my user page i have given link to some wiki pages created by me to teach literary criticism. I have blended moodle with wikieducator to check the progress on 'quiz' module. I also try skype lectures live in the classromm with the help of LCD projector.
Can you suggest a few better things?

Holly S. Longstroth said:
Which web 2.0 sites are you using for teaching the English language?

I'll give it a thought and think about the literature aspect, but don't want to suggest something that you already use.
Hi Dilip,

Literature study calls for intensive reading and reflective writing, is this correct?

Is the literature provided by you or do the learners have to do literature search too?

Is this a subject that you can 'teach' in real-time or is asynchronous communication
technology not superior here?

Rgds Heike
Have you considered using a virtual classroom instead of using Skype for the lectures?

The other things that you use is what I would have suggested...

Anyone else have a suggestion?

Dilip Barad said:
Hi, thanks for your reply.
I want to know some useful ways using technology to teach english literature, yes Literature not language. I know several websites, journals (paid and free) ... i want something where students can creatively learn literature with the help of web resources. I am trying with wikieducator ( At the bottom of my user page i have given link to some wiki pages created by me to teach literary criticism. I have blended moodle with wikieducator to check the progress on 'quiz' module. I also try skype lectures live in the classromm with the help of LCD projector.
Can you suggest a few better things?

Holly S. Longstroth said:
Which web 2.0 sites are you using for teaching the English language?

I'll give it a thought and think about the literature aspect, but don't want to suggest something that you already use.
Thanks for your reply.
I do not have clear idea about virtual classroom. may you please give me link or say how it can b used for teaching literature?

It is our training center for language teachers in the use of virtual classroom technology. I can give you a demo if you would like!

Dilip Barad said:
Thanks for your reply.
I do not have clear idea about virtual classroom. may you please give me link or say how it can b used for teaching literature?
Hi Dilip,

Is there still anything we can help you resolve?

And my question to you again: How are you teaching literature at the moment? Do you teach this in class? Do you show them how to do a literature search? Do mainly teach it 'asynchronously', this means writing and reading instead of 'synchronous' (sorry for these technical terms) of speaking and listening which we do in class.

Rgds Heike
Hi, Philp,
I teach 'synchronously'. Face to face in the classroom, i deliver lectures on novels, poems, literary theories and criticism and plays. I blend this traditional method with technology by using Google search, you tube videos, online dictionaries, online encyclopedia, e-texts on drama/novel, libri vox recordings of poems etc. I also teach Asynchronously where in i take help of google/ yahoo groups / blogs, wikieducator and moodle for sharing study material, assessing their progress etc.

Heike Philp said:
Hi Dilip,

Is there still anything we can help you resolve?

And my question to you again: How are you teaching literature at the moment? Do you teach this in class? Do you show them how to do a literature search? Do mainly teach it 'asynchronously', this means writing and reading instead of 'synchronous' (sorry for these technical terms) of speaking and listening which we do in class.

Rgds Heike
I teach literature at university-level, using Adobe Connect as a virtual classroom.

One technique I use is to present two Shakespearean sonnets (Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? and My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun), using PowerPoint and highlighting tools within Connect to present the language and techniques of the sonnets.

As you know, the first has the message "You're beautiful … but it's my poetic skill which makes your beauty live for ever", whilst the second's message is "Neither of us is young any longer, darling, and your skin/eyes/breath are far from attractive any more … but I love you anyway".

Then I put up a Connect poll on the screen with the question "Which is the better poem?" The results usually reveal that women (since most of my students are women) far prefer men who flatter them to men who tell the truth!
I have used bookglutton for collaborative learning and discussion
Which types of web 2.0 components r u using for teaching literarure?
Hi, Monal Desai,
I use personal website, Google Groups,, youtube videos, SMS groups, moodle, wikieducator etc types of web 2.0 tools are used in my classroom. I am experimenting with nicenet, webquest, second life, google sites, google docs,, ning. It is difficult to hold on to a few tools... everyday we get to know some new tools.... so on one hand we use it and on the another we have to experiment with new ones.
Dilip Barad

Monal Desai said:
Which types of web 2.0 components r u using for teaching literarure?

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