Hello! I am an ELT writer and online teacher. I create materials, blogs, and challenges for English learners and love interacting with the teaching community. You are my inspiration. Thank you.
Here are some sites I contribute to:
www.tarabenwell.comMyEC Monthly Writing ChallengesFree Weekly Mini Podcasts for English learnersESL MagazineSurvival EnglishESLLibrary.com BlogTEFL.netI am the awards editor for EnglishClub.com (sites for learners) and TEFL.net (sites for teachers). If you have a site you would like me to review, email me at: tara@tarabenwelldotcom.
Teachers can follow me on twitter
@TEFL My personal account (mainly writing related) is
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Hi again Tara,
I also forgot to say thank you for the generosity ESL Library has show the AIWR. I'm a volunteer with the organization, and ESL Library's donation of subscriptions to our teachers has been really valuable!