Virtual Round Table Web Conference

Hi all,

May I start this 'Introduce yourself' discussion forum thread by introducing myself:


My name is Heike Philp and I am the creator and organiser of the semi-annual Virtual Round Table Conference, which has become a great joy in my life!


So, here is my official bio:

Heike Philp aka Gwen Gwasi is founder and CEO of let’s talk online (founded 2003) and previously held the position as managing director of LANCELOT SchoolTM GmbH (2006-2010), an accredited teacher training center for language teaching in real-time via the internet by means of virtual classroom technology and virtual worlds. With over 20 years in education and with Germany’s first live online language school, Philp co-initiated two European funded projects and worked with 35 European partners including 17 universities to develop accredited and certified teacher training courses.  These EU Projects are LANCELOT (LANguage learning with CErtified Live Online Teachers) and AVALON (Access to Virtual and Action Learning live Online. Philp runs her own online conference, the Virtual Round Table conference and is co-organizer of the SLanguages conference in Second Life. She co-owns EduNation islands in Second Life and her blog let’s talk online is a rich resource for language educators who want to work online.


Contact details

Skype ID: letstalkonline

Twitter: @heikephilp




Email heike.philp[at] (main website/ blog, founded 2003) (managing director LANCELOT School GmbH, 2005-2010) (co-initiator EU funded AVALON project) (co-initiator EU funded LANCELOT project) (community (organiser Virtual Round Table Conference) (co-organiser SLanguages Conference) (co-owner Second Life Island) (board member European Telecoaching Institut)




And here is also my inofficial me: I am crazily addicted to networking, social media, Second Life and my friends out there which have enriched my life so much, that I am soooo grateful to all I have been able to learn and that I keep learning. This conference itself has shown what wonderful people I am able to work with and I am so thankful for this rich learning experience.

Many, many thanks to my PLN!


I am very much looking forward to your introductions.

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Hi, everyone,

     I'm Joe McVeigh from Middlebury, Vermont, in the northeastern part of the United States. I work independently as a teacher-trainer, consultant, editor, and author of ELT textbooks. I have some experience living and working in China, the UK, Hungary, India, and Chile, and (In Shallah) I'll be in Saudi Arabia in April 2011. But most of my experience is in the US in intensive English language programs.

     I'm very active in the TESOL Association here in the U.S. and just got back from the TESOL 2011 Convention in New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.A., which was fabulous.  This year, Pearson has published my co-authored book, Tips for Teaching Culture. I'm also co-author of a couple of books in the new OUP series, Q: Skills for Success.

     It's a busy weekend for me here, so I'll only be able to attend a handful of sessions, but I'll look forward to meeting you there. Thanks, too, to the organizers and presenters for putting all of this together and for a wonderful, and occasionally hilarious time!


Joe McVeigh


twitter: JoeMcVeigh


Graciela Renee Gonzalez Sorronde said:

Hi my dear colleagues! I am Graciela Gonzalez, in Montevideo ,Uruguay, South America. I am free lance and graduated from University of Reading and with two post graduation courses held at Interational House and Geos Academy in England

I attended the Tesol Congress in New York in 2008, event that didnot fullfill any of my expectations

My target is adults, people who need to brush up their English, which is widely recognised in the country, but badly taught

unless you attend bilingual schools.

Somehow I fully appreciate your commitment, and I look forward to hearing from you often, the chances of personal growth

in South America are quite few, and Teacher development is nule

I am 59 years old and looking forward to dealing with whatever comes from ovearseas! Please, keep me posted

My warmest regards to my colleagues who like me are teaching addicts!


Hi dear colleagues! I am Faisal Al-Shamali. I am Jordanian. I have got an M.A. degree in Linguistics, Yarmouk University, Jordan in 1998. I have been working an English Language Instructor since 1994. From 2004-2007, I taught English Language at King Saud University, Riyadh Teachers' College in Saudi Arabia. From2008-2009, I taught English at Dhofar University as an English Language Instructor. In 2009, I taught English for Thai Students at IH, Chiang Mai, Thailand. I got a TEYL certificate from UMBC, USA.  I joined webinars in Ukraine, American Embassy in Jordan, Washingtom DC, Shelly Terrell's webinars, wiziq's, American Tesol. In August 2010 I got a certificate on E-Teacher Professional Development at UMBC, USA. I got a certificate in “ Shaping the Way We Teach English” by University of Oregon, 2011. Currently, I am teaching in Saudi Arabai at KAU, English language Institute.

with my warmest rgds to all you all.

Hi folks,

Actually, I am fully addicted to networking, at the point that I won't be using any text book in the future

Somehow, all my students are fascinated!

I am extremely grateful to all of you who like Heike contribute to enriching my teaching and personality as well!

My warmest regards to The English Teachers who like me enjoy the profession!

Graciela Gonzalez Sorrondegui

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