Virtual Round Table Web Conference

A tool to provide WBL to students: An ebook application for Business management and home-based work.

The online eBook is intended to cover materials for a typical introductory course which can be used as a stand-alone tool for distance learning or JIT tool for your forthcoming working in real world. Citations from many resources

Teachers are able to make students learn through very easy tool which personalize education in compatible learning as learning platforms as rumie, udemy and Alison. The future version of these cloud services is an online application for a smart phone and computer.
Online sharing contributed to the global spread of mobile platforms, such as iOS and Android, it is relevant to consider the potential of these devices in teaching and learning. Referenced in the study of
eBook meets the needs of all learners Mardis et. al. (2010) point out that through flexibility and multimedia, digital textbooks offer support for students with various learning needs. For example, students with vision impairments or physical conditions that prevent them from holding a book or turning pages may find a digital book easier to use and read. Additionally digital [books] can help students that are easily distracted stay active and focused allowing them to grasp concepts with greater success.

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