The short messaging system Twitter can be turned into a huge virtual staffroom where teachers from around the world meet, communicate, support each other and share teaching tips, resources, weblinks and opinions. Discover some tools and tricks to help you keep up with “what´s happening” on Twitter.
Guido is an EFL teacher in Seville, Spain. He coordinates the teens department of the school where he works and conducts teacher training workshops there. After more than 10 years of experience his professional development has started taking giant steps forward again thanks to the power of Twitter. Follow him on Twitter, @europeaantje.
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Twitterers mentioned in this presentation (in order of appearance):
@evab2001 @harmerj @vickyloras @pysproblem81 @kenwilsonlondon @harrisonmike @CallieWallie1 @EHerrod @willycard @englishraven @grahamstanley @NikPeachey @dudeneyge @pwaylett2 @ceciliacoelho @esolcourses @JamesBaggesen @cgoodey @thornburyscott @SugarJo @TEFLPet @bethcagnol @hoprea @Shaunwilden @DaveDodgson @Marisa_C @gret @ij64 @annapires
Recommended Hashtags: #humour, #elearning, #nowplaying, for music #songstoremember, #edtech, #VAW
#vrt10 on icyte group , and follow on delicious
chris_fry_barcelona: Direct message (private message) eg DM Dodge57
Shelly Terrell: by the way Twitlonger DMs not private but public
Shireen: Seesmic isn't too bad, either.
Zsamak: I usually use Hootsuite or Tweetedck
Mike Harrison: One that's not so well known - TwitterGadget
chris_fry_barcelona: I'd never looked at Favouriting in Twitter
chris_fry_barcelona: Twitter into RSS feed? Yes you can subscribe to tweets.
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