The second VIRTUAL ROUND TABLE Conference took place on 22-23
April 2010 with a record number of 480 unique visitors
This 2-day program hosted....
- 61 guest speakers
- 34 sessions
- 32 hours of program
- 480 unique participants from 60+ countries and 770 signed up on
this website
- 4 panel discussions
- 1 unconference
- 18 workshops (4 of which were Second Life sessions)
- 10 presentations
- 2 Pecha Kucha nights
- the first ever virtual simulcast (the sessions streamed in a
web conferencing environment AND in Second Life)
- a poster exhibition
This conference was co-organized by Shelly Terrell, VP of
Have you missed it? "Worry not..."
The following are the links to the recordings and more...
22 April 2010 (Click
HERE for the program and all of the recordings)
23 April 2010 (Click
HERE for the program and all of the recordings)
Click HERE for
testimonials and appraisals
Click HERE for a list of Sponsors