Virtual Round Table Web Conference

PANEL DISCUSSION: "The best way to predict the future is to invent it."- Theodore Hook

Panel Discussion
Thu 12 November 2009,2pm GMT

This panel brings together those who have done exactly that, namely they have invented the future.

Panelists (in alphabetical order):
Stefan Booy, Myngle
Gary Motteram, University of Manchester
Shiv Rajetan, LanguageLab
Duane Sider, Rosetta Stone
Moderation Valentina Dodge, English 360

Stefan Booy

Gary Motteram

Shiv Rajetan

Duane Sider

Moderation: Valentina Dodge

About Stefan Booy

Born in Holland, raised in Italy, and educated in US, Stefan is passionate about cultural diversity and languages. At Myngle 2009, he's has been working to develop educational and commercial partnerships to further the growth of the Amsterdam-based start up. His background is mainly in secondary and higher education in the US, where he earned degrees in Philosophy and Ministry. Since 2008, he holds an MBA degree from the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus university. Stefan is the proud father of Arden and Ian, who are a bit confused about what language to speak at home! since January.

About Gary Motteram
Dr. Gary Motteram has a long track record in the field of computer assisted language learning. He has also been a long-time member of the Learning Technolgies Special Interest Group of IATEFL ( and seen through its transition from the early days of CALL to its current world of internet-assisted learning, he has worked in a number of different roles to run courses and develop this group. He set up and still runs an MA in Educational Technology and TESOL ( and conducts research into the field of internet assisted teacher education ( In recent years he has also been insturmental in winning international projects and managing them for the University ( Gary has also been involved in a number of EU funded projects amongst others the LANCELOT project in the capacity as one of the main developing partners for the teacher-training course in virtual classroom technology. Currently he is coordinator of the AVALON project, a project to explore language learning in Second Life which is supported by 26 EU partners in 8 countries.

About Shiv Rajendran
Shiv ( co-founded in 2005. The oldest and largest virtual
world languages school with students in more than 50 different countries. Shiv has a Master’s degree in Digital Culture & Technology, a background using technology for a variety of purposes, and is a life long gamer.

About Duane Sider
Duane Sider, Director of Learning for Rosetta StoneInc., is passionate about changing the way the world views language learning. In his role, Duane has introduced Rosetta Stone® solutions and the joy of the language-learning journey to a variety of audiences through numerous speaking engagements worldwide. Additionally, Duane has authored a number of articles and papers on immersion methodology in second-language acquisition. Duane joined the company's international operations in 1997, became director of learning in 2003, directing domestic and international training programs, and assumed his current responsibilities in 2008. Prior to joining Rosetta Stone, he taught literature, philosophy and aesthetics at the university level for 14 years. Throughout his career, Duane has traveled, performed and taught extensively throughout the Americas, Europe and Asia, promoting international communication and advocating new technologies in education. Duane holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in biology from Messiah College and a Master of Arts degree in the English literature from the Univesity of Virginia. He has written two plays, a collection of poetry and manages a theater company in Virginia.

About Valentina Dodge
Valentina Dodge is Teacher Community Coordinator for English360 – a free web-based platform for teachers. She helps educators provide personalised Business English learning programmes to meet their student and customer needs. She collaborates with and supports Business English language teachers all over the world to help them publish and share lesson and courses for blended or online delivery. She organizes training sessions and support forums on instructional design and blended course organization to allow educators to combine their own materials and lesson plans with high quality course material from Cambridge University Press.

CLICK HERE for a 1h 19 min recording of this event

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