Virtual Round Table Web Conference

A Case Study using screencasting as a medium for feedback



The call for a revolution in how we deal with learners written work is being heard in classrooms and journals all over the world. In the first ELT J of 2011 Icy Lee focused on how teachers
spend hours marking ineffectively or for limited gains. Teachers who attend this presentation should leave with:

    * an example of how screencasting can be used as a vehicle for feedback
    * a view of how this course has evolved and developed in response to needs
    * an understanding of how feedback can be more motivating
    * an better view of the choices for when, how  and what to give feedback on

In this presentation I briefly outline the context for two blended courses that were delivered to a client. After outlining the courses and the improvements made between v1 and v2, I
share select insights from my recent MA modules and apply them to this project with a view to v3.

Ed Russell is mainly a teacher, a tea drinker (sometimes coffee) and an MA Ed Tech and TESOL student at the University of Manchester.
He has been teaching for 9 years on 3 continents. He aims to work on the other 4 in the future. He is interested in the psychological and intercultural aspects of teaching;
how feedback is given and how this can be facilitated by technology in education. He is a keen Virtual Round Tabler, watched the second one while between presentations
at B.E.T.A Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria, the third on his sofa in Lausanne, Switzerland and for the for the fourth he will be in Syria.


Photocredite Jimmy_Joe

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