Time: April 22, 2012 from 7:30am to 8am
Location: Adobe ConnectPro
Website or Map: http://lancelot.adobeconnect.…
Event Type: keynote
Organized By: Shelly Terrell
Latest Activity: Apr 22, 2012
Sunday, 22 April 2012 - 7:30am GMT | 8:30am London | 4:30pm Tokyo | 12:30am LA
For World Time click here http://tinyurl.com/22Apr730amGMT
Adobe ConnectPro room (enter as guest)
Surpr@ise by Vladimira Michalkova and Chuck Sandy
Surpr@ise is an idea that combines surprise and praise and is built upon the principles of gratitude and abundance. The surprise comes when we reach right out of the blue to students and teachers doing great work in their local communities and say, “We’ve noticed the great work you’re doing and we really appreciate what you do and who you are”. The praise comes when we say, “What you are doing is so wonderful that we’d like to support you, learn with you, collaborate with you, and give you a platform for doing more”. It's a powerful structure with four simple steps: Surprise. Praise. Support. Collaborate. In our talk we’ll share the power of surpr@ise to make classrooms, staff rooms and communities shine. In the end we’ll leave you with a seed of surpr@ise to plant where ever you think it’s needed most and ask you to later share your stories. Come join us for for a surpr@siing session of grateful sharing.
Chuck Sandy is proud to be an activist whose mission is to change education for the better one
classroom, one school, one community at a time. He's a cofounder and director of iTDi, an author,
a community organizer, an avid gardener, a Surpr@ise Day presenter, and best of all: a teacher.
Vladimira Michalkova brings surpr@ise to all she does, in and out of the classroom. She's an iTDi
Associate, a frequent conference presenter, a teacher of teens and adults at Jazykova Skola
Statna in Kosice, Slovakia, and the energy behind Surpr@ise Day -- coming soon to your town.
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