Virtual Round Table Web Conference

Language Learning Quests on the virtual British Council Isle in Second Life

Second Life Tour

Thu 12 November 2009, 10am GMT

After meeting at the Arrivals area to the British Council Isle the group splits into groups and participants can try one of three Language Learning Quests (Shakespeare Quest, Merlin Quest or Robin Hood Quest).

After 20 minutes, they get together in Sherwood Forest, where there'll be a 20 minute talk and discussion on this type of game-based learning in Second Life. Participants will find out from the designers of these quests what processes they went through, how they were changed after being piloted by students, and will get some ideas of how they can start to design something similar themselves.

Graham Stanley

Joe Perreira

About Graham Stanley aka Baldric Commons

Graham Stanley spends half of his working life as a teacher of English at the British Council Young Learner Centre in Barcelona, Spain and the other half as Project Manager of the British Council's Learn English Second Life project. This involves managing a 3D self-access centre for 13-17 year-olds for the British Council and working with the other partners of the AVALON project, which aims to develop best practice through language learning scenarios for adults in Second Life.

About Joe Pereira aka Creed Juan

Joe Pereira is a an English teacher and the ICT Co-ordinator at the British Council in Porto, Portugal. He is also a project officer for the British Council's Second Life projects which include the British Council isle on the Main Grid and the LearnEnglish Teen Second Life Isle on the Teen Grid. Joe has recently finished a Master's degree in Educational Technology & TESOL where the focus of his dissertation was digital game-based learning and Second Life, specifically looking at the Language Learning Quests found on the British Council Isles (the dissertation can be downloaded from He is also involved in teaching a business English course in SL as part of the AVALON project.

CLICK HERE for the first 45 min of this recording

Please note that we lost sound in the beginning but it resumes
after the first 10 min.

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