Virtual Round Table Web Conference

Fireworks in Virtual Worlds: An ESP Blended Experience by Dr. Doris Molero

Recording (35min):

YouTube trailer

Dr. Doris Molero


Fireworks in Virtual Worlds: An ESP Blended Experience
ESP classes have traditionally focus on providing students tools to read and understand different kind of texts related to their field of study. Also, ESP course design has been based on the use of paper and pencil. Now, thanks to computers, mobile phones and internet, a whole set of new tools and approaches have emerged that can be integrated into the face to face class turning it into a blended experience that incorporate digital literacies and skills needed for  future jobs.
In this webinar, we look at the story of an ESP Class for Graphic Design Students that integrate technology based on the use of blogs, social networks, and virtual worlds. Assesment is done throught a project that allows students to read texts with a pourpose and learn by creating artifacts and experiencing new worlds.


Dr. Doris Molero
EFL university Professor at Rafael Belloso University in Maracaibo, Venezuela. Holds a Masters Degree on Educational Informatics and a Doctoral degree on Sciences of Education specializing in curriculum, and instruction. Her doctoral research was about the use of web 2.0 tools as multiliteracy agents in the EFL class in higher education. She’s a proud member of Webheads in Action. Currently researching how 3d worlds enhance the learning of a Second Language. You can find her in Second Life as Pionia Destiny.EFL Professor that integrate technology in her classes. 

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